
This section comprises a list of the beneficial visitors to the garden and the plants that will attract them, and also a list of pests with the plants that will deter them.

Insectary plants

We need good bugs in our gardens and some plants are more attractive than others.

Many adult predators also feed on nectar and pollen, and of course bees collect pollen, so by having a diverse selection of plants we can encourage these beneficial insects to stay.

Some pests can be targeted by having a plant they particularly don’t like.

Attracting beneficials

Plants will attract beneficial insects to the garden. Many adults of beneficial insects either supplement their diet or feed exclusively on nectar and pollen. By growing a range of these plants we can offer a choice to suit many of them and create all-important diversity in the garden.

Many of the plants mentioned will attract more than one kind of beneficial insect, so that even in small areas it is possible to attract different insects with just a few plants.

Deterring pests

Some plants seem to be particularly unsavory to pests. Whether it is the taste or even in some cases, the aromas emitted by these plants.

The dilemma in getting the balance of good and bad insects in the garden is that without pest bugs we won’t have any predatory bugs either.

Soil improvement

Some plants will actually help to improve the soil around them. 

Green manure crops can improve the soil between plantings. Other plants can be planted amongst crops.

There are plants which seem to have a beneficial effect on plants in their vicinity.
Many herbs have beneficial qualities which make them a great addition to the garden.

Plants that accumulate nutrients in their foliage can be used as mulch, providing nutrients when they break down.