Moonlight and gravitational pull decreases. Energy starts decreasing so most of this period (except the two days at each end of the phase) is considered as a dormant or resting time.
Although it's a resting period for the garden, it's one of the most active periods for gardeners. This is the time to improve the soil. Germination is lower and regrowth slower at this time.
- Avoid planting above ground crops
- Add microbial solution to soil
- Add fertiliser to soil
- Harvest produce for longest shelf life - harvested crops are less likely to rot as sap flow is lower in the foliage of plants
- Take cuttings and divide plants
- Improve soil - weed, mulch, make compost and manure teas.
- Cut back vigorous growing shrubs and vines as regrowth will be less
- Root crops and bulbs can still be planted as sap flow is drawn down to the roots encouraging root, tuber an bulb growth