Pest control

Controlling pests is difficult and requires vigilance and perseverance. It seems that one day there are no pests and the next your plants are half eaten.

Insects are only considered a pest when they interfere with our food production. Ideally, in a perfect world where pests share our food, it would not be necessary to kill them. Unfortunately, in many instances, they make our food inconsumable.

Pest species which feed on plants also provide an important role in themselves becoming food for predatory (beneficial) species of insects and other animals such as birds and lizards.

We often attract pests by providing plants in an environment that suits them. It is possible to minimise their damage by growing healthy plants and planting a diverse range of plants. Companion planting with plants that deter these pests will also help.

BUT if they become too invasive we sometimes have to resort to other methods in order to control them. 

The recommended treatments for pests are a compilation of commercial and home-made treatments available to the organic gardener. No guarantee can be given that they are fail-safe or totally effective, as conditions and circumstances vary. Care must be taken when handling any of the recommended treatments. In relation to commercial products, follow the manufacturers’ instructions accurately. Home-made treatments may contain products which may cause irritation in some people.

Fruit Fly