

Raised garden beds

These are a really good option for smaller back yard areas. Many different sizes and designs are available commercially or you can make your own using a variety of materials. When deciding on the placement of these it is important to consider available sunlight, water sources and ease of accessibility in order to obtain the best possible results.

These beds had already had crops in them and were looking quite sad when we were asked to redo them.
Soil improvement is sometimes difficult when trying to save existing plants.
It is much easier to sacrifice existing crops to worms and prepare the soil properly.
Dig in the crop residue, add manures, fertilisers and compost.
Lots of compost needed in this bed.
Don’t forget to check the pH.
Raising the pH using dolomite lime.
Mixing in blood and bone.
In go the babies.
Water in well.
1 week after planting.
3 weeks after planting. We would normally put grass mulch on, but the owner didn’t want this.
We used woodchip as mulch. Not our preferred option as it removes nitrogen from the soil as it breaks down.
Cucumbers liked this position.
  Adjoining beds treated the same.
Approximately 6 weeks later.
  Other planters also treated the same.
New plantings of lettuce, rocket and beans.
   More planters prior to getting prepared.
Before we were called into this garden, the owner had planted longer term plants in with short-term plants. Ideally longer growing plants should have their own area so they won’t be disturbed when preparing the soil for new plantings.
All planters and surrounding areas mulched.
Backyard view
Beds made out of wood and raised off the ground
Wallabies were a problem in this garden so the planters were fenced in with wire.