These weird looking bugs are related to cicadas and leaf hoppers. They have an odd shaped ‘pronotum’, which means helmet. They look like thorns on branches.
Adult size: 4-5 mm
Out and about
During the warmer months. They are found on all continents except Antarctica. They are quite widespread throughout Australia.
Reproduction and Life cycle
The female lays eggs in plant tissue on the leaves or stems. In some species, the female stands guard over her eggs and looks after the offspring.
To deter
To control
- Diatomaceous earth
- Spray with neem oil
- Spray with pyrethrum
Plants to repel
Plants to attract
Parasitoid wasps
Why they are a Pest
They are sap suckers and secrete honeydew which is likely to attract ants.
They are usually green, brown or a dark colour, often in colonies, and are found on legumes, fruit trees and ornamental plants.