Spittle bug








"Spittle bugs” is the name given to the nymphs of the froghopper, referring to the foamy liquid they cover themselves in, which provides protection from predators and weather. The adults are called froghoppers because their heads are frog-like, and they can jump like a leaf hopper, to which they are related. The adults are usually a dull brown colour though some species have bright markings.

Adult size: 8 mm

Out and about

The adult is around in spring and summer; nymphs hatch in spring. There are many species of spittle bugs found in a variety of climates around the world. They are widespread along the east coast of Australia and Tasmania but also found to a lesser degree in other states. Australia and New Zealand have species only present in these two countries.

Reproduction and Life cycle

Eggs are laid in spring and summer but do not hatch till the following spring.

To deter

To control

- Hose off nymphs with a blast of water - Garlic and pepper spray

Plants to repel

Plants to attract


Spiders / Mantids / Wasps / Birds
Why they are a Pest
The nymph and the adult are sap suckers but are not usually present in great numbers and therefore don’t do much damage. If there is a large infestation they could cause plant weakening and stunted growth, leading to reduced crop yields and quality. Generally they prefer juniper and pine trees, but can also be found on other plants including strawberries, legumes and some flowers such as goldenrod.