Crop mirid








Sidnia kinbergi


This mirid is a rusty- brown colour with darker markings although they can range from green to dark grey. The wings dip down, giving it a ‘broken back’ appearance. This might confuse it with the broken back bug. They have a distinct “v” on their back just below the pronotum and their legs and bodies are a bright green. The nymphs are green with striped antennae and they have a black spot on their back.

Adult size: 4-6 mm

Out and about

They spend winter sheltering and come out when the weather starts to warm up, becoming very active in summer. Found mainly in south-eastern Australia and has been introduced into New Zealand.

Reproduction and Life cycle

The female lays tiny (0.9mm), pale yellow eggs singly, usually into leaf tissue with just the tip of the egg protruding slightly. The cycle from egg to adult can be as quick as 3 weeks in ideal, warm conditions although numbers appear to reduce if it remains hot for a few days or if there is heavy rain or storms. Eggs can remain unhatched over winter and adults can spend winter sheltering in weeds.

To deter

To control

- Keep weeds down especially during winter - Spray with pyrethrum - Spray with neem oil

Plants to repel

Plants to attract


Black-headed mirid bug / Damsel bug / Big-eyed bug / Predatory shield bug / Chalcid wasps parasitise eggs
Why they are a Pest
They are sap suckers like green mirids and brown mirids, feeding on a variety of plants and favouring legumes, sunflowers, clover, lucerne and wheat crops. Weeds such as thistle are host crops. They feed on new growth and release a chemical that destroys cell walls, which weakens the plant and results in poor growth. They also attack flower buds which inhibits flower, fruit and seed formation. They do not seem to be as bad a pest as green or brown mirids.